After School
And Summer Camp
Our Samurais After School & Summer Camp are second to none!
Each program is designed to
challenge your child physically as well as mentally, through martial arts training, fun and exciting
activities, and the tenets of martial arts.
Sign Up for Summer Camp!
Samurais Summer Camp is action packed with field trips and activities to keep your child
occupied all day long! Your children will never sleep as well as they do after a day at Samurais Summer
Camp. Our field trips and activities include, but not limited to, weekly trips to the water park, movies,
kickball, dodgeball, bowling, arts & crafts, nerf gun wars, water gun wars, cookouts, and of course,
Martial Arts!! We also invite guests to speak to our students like the fire department, K9 Unit, and
herpetologists from Edisto Island Serpentarium, to educate our students in their areas of expertise.
Summer Camp lasts all summer long! We start summer camp the Monday after the last day of
school and proceed until the Friday before school resumes. Summer camp is Monday through Friday
from 7am to 6pm. (closed on the 4th of July) If the 4th falls on a weekend, we will either close the Friday
before or the Monday after in observance of the holiday.
Click here to download your Registration papers
Sign Up for After School!
The fun doesn’t end just because summer has come to an end and the kids return to school. Our
after-school program is a great alternative to the typical mundane after school program at school or
daycare. We pick our Samurais up from school and shuttle them back to our school for an afternoon of
homework, snacks, martial arts, and structured play time.
We are open for all daycare on teacher work days as well as certain holidays at no additional
cost. We also pick up your children from school on half days at no additional costs.